Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Friends With Benefits

An article called "Friends With Benefits: Do facebook Friends Provide the Same Support as Those in Real Life?" by Kate Dailey,  is mainly about certain benefits that facebooks' social media has to offer. Dailey, used an example of a long lost friend who posted on facebook about a tragic event of a death. Even though Dailey felt surprised that someone would post such news but later realized that facebook is the "perfect venue" for tragic news. With that being said, Dailey argued the benefits of virtual friends in a bigger picture. Even though studies have shown that a "strong network of friends can be crucial to getting through a crisis and can help one be healthier in general" she then questioned whether virtual friendships could be just as beneficial. Dailey then conducted her own "polls" and found out that facebook doesn't make friends, better friends; it makes acquaintances better acquaintances in many ways. It is a way for others to learn about new jobs, tragic stories, everyday life etc and when others comment on certain events, facebook users may get a boost in self esteem when others react to their posts. 
Facebook is a wonderful way of staying connected with everyone. Whether it is relatives who live far away, a friend you see everyday, or a next door neighbor. It is not meant to replace face to face friendships, but used as an alternative for those who want to share different events in their lives with people they know. In return, some friendships may develop, or get better. Some can gain from social media in many ways. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blog 10

"McDonald's Is Not Our Kind of Place," is an essay written by Amitai Etzioni. In this essay, Amitai expresses his views on teenagers who work for fast food restaurants who do not get the experiences that enhance character formation and moral education they need for their futures. In Amitai's opinion, he feels as if these kinds of jobs are not teaching teenagers responsibility. Amitai compairs working and learning the "fruits of labor, and trade" while developing self-discipline. While the fast food industry is nothing more then a lemonade stand. 
These types of jobs have little initiative, creativity, or rearranging. With that being said, jobs like McDonalds; may be an easy way out for teens. It provides them a steady income that may be affecting the attendance and involvement when it comes to getting an education. 
Even though jobs may help teens learn teamwork and working under supervision. Or, no supervision at all, without adults to reach out to or mature figure. What compensation is earned from the job might be used to support themselves, or savings for college. Others may use it solely for the newest teen craze. 
I agree with everything Amaital mentions in this essay. I have seen it first hand, and lived it as well. I was 14 years old when I got my first job at a family restaurant. My earnings were used toward my cell phone bill, as well as entertainment. My parents did not give me money for clothing or extra things that I wanted. Since I was 14 years old, I have paid for things on my own. I will say that having a job at a young age taught me responsibility, self-discipline as well as not bettering my educational skills. 
Having a job at a young age, and making money of your own is a good feeling. It is mentioned that teens may choose work over education, and having a job that effects schooling is true. In high school, I can remember leaving school many times because I was called into work, and I did it because I wanted the money, not because I needed the money, and because it was easy money. 
Looking back, I feel that having a job at such a young age definitely had an effect on my education. I feel as though I focused more on my jobs then I did my education. In my opinion, it is not worth it. I missed out on high school basics for some easy money, and a repetitive job that got me nowhere. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog #9

         Serve or Fail is written by the author Dave Eggers who is knows for his memoir, "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius."Dave Eggers suggests that college students should be required to give hours of public service, as a requirement of graduation.
         Dave questions his readers on whether or not college students deserve time off from school. He states, "Well, yes and no. Yes, because finals week is stressful and sleep-deprived and possibly involves trucker-style stimulants. No, because a good deal of the four years of college is spent playing football." Dave feels as though there are to many hours in days and weeks, that being able to give a few hours with the community would be a positive thing-and colleges should require it as a service requirement to graduate.
          According to Eggers, College students may me more involved, have time for, and benefit from community services, as well as higher maturity levels and more capable of multitasking. Whereas high school students are most likely not going to benefit from, and have less time. Eggers understands that this kind of requirement will not work for every college, considering community college students generally have family and work demands.
         Eggers stresses it is more beneficial for for colleges to give credit for community services to students who are more then likely learning from those suffering from domestic abuse, then students who are earning credit in a physical education class.
         I agree with Eggers reasoning on community service. I think that community service would be beneficial to more then just the students. Volunteering to help others no matter what the situation is at hand, can be a learning experience and even life changing. I think if colleges were to make this a requirement or give students a choice to do community service instead of taking classes that they do not need, or classes they will not benefit from is a much better idea. Who knows, some might end up being a lifelong volunteer with Eggers.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blog 8

       I read an article titled, "Sex-Ed Amendment Struck from ND Abortion Bill, from CBS News. This article is about North Dakota lawmakers who are negotiating the final details of an anti-abortion measure that "killed"an amendment that threatened a three-year, $1.2 million federal sex education grant for North Dakota State University. A committee of six voted with the bill to delete the amendment. The bills aims to outlaw abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the dispute that a fetus can feel main at 20 weeks. The issue is the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court rule that legalized abortion up until 24 weeks.
       The grant that North Dakota State University had been funded for voluntary sex education for those between ages 15-19 with parental consent. The grant was frozen after some questioned whether it would violate a state law that forbids government funding to those that encourage abortion.
       I feel that this is a big issue. My opinion on abortion is that it is a womans' choice. I feel that in some situations such as rape then abortion should be legal. Otherwise I feel that women should step up  and face the consequences of there actions. I do not see abortion as an easy way out, and I am not for it, nor am I against it.
        I believe that sex education is very important. It can help make teens understand and use precaution when in situations such as these. If the amendment were to take away the grant to fund sex education I think it would be a big mistake. I think sex education is important for everyone to learn from. I will say that I am with the bill where abortions after 20 weeks should be outlawed. In my opinion I feel that 20 weeks is to long, and has developed a great amount.
        I realize that this is a very touchy subject to talk about, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.


Monday, March 25, 2013

Blog 7

            I read an article called, "Giving Blood Not Just For Humans, Pets Do It, Too" by Rachel Slavik - CBS News. This article is about dogs and cats who donate blood for other animals during an emergency or surgery. Donating blood to the vet clinic's donation program, can save the lives of many animals. Animals can donate blood through the University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinic. Dogs who are 50 pounds and cats who are 10 pounds can donate blood. During the blood draw, technicians are replacing the fluids, helping with a quick recovery. 
           I think that having dogs and cats donate blood is a fantastic idea. In my opinion if it does not cause harm or pain to the animals , then I do not see a problem with it. If other animals in need can benefit from animal blood donation then I think that it is important to have the University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinic have this available. 
          I followed up on this article, on the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center website and I found that there are other benefits for those who join the pet blood donation program.  The website gives information on why animals need blood. Along with what happens when a dog or cat donates. There is additional information on guidelines for dogs and cats, as well as information on benefits of having a blood donor pet. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog 6 - Dear Dads: Save Your Sons

I read an article by Christopher Bacorn called, "Dear Dads: Save Your Sons". This article starts off about a mother who takes her son into therapy, in hopes that something will get through to her son. Her son was heading towards alcohol, gang memberships, failing grades and violence. His mother had no other options and realized that he may be because his father left, and was not there for his son. She felt that with no male role model in the boys life that it had taken effect on him. It had come to the mothers attention that men are not really there for there kids. There else where, while only very few are spotted with there children.
One other main issue that was covered in this article was poverty prevention. It was said that if more fathers were around, it may help save families from living in poverty. In that case, there may be fewer teenage pregnancies as well as less interest in street gangs. At the end of the article, the counselor tried to get the woman's son into sports, but the boy was not interested. The counselor felt that if the boy could have a male figure in his life it could give him hope. Unfortunately the boy was not interested.
In my opinion, I think that this article makes a lot of sense and has valid points. I can see and understand why people feel that having a father in a child's life can make the biggest difference. As well as a father not being in a child's life. I think that dads have such an effect on a child's life that at that point in a child's life they do not understand the importance of a father figure.
I agree that dads should be there to talk to their daughters about pregnancy. As well as keep there children busy with school, sports, and family time. Having a father figure is very important and it's unfortunate that a lot of children today do not have a father figure in there life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blog 4

Emily Beltz 
Introduction to Academic Writing 0099 99

       I read an article by Reg Chapman called "U Of M Tests Year-Round Classes This Fall". This article states that the University of Minnesota will test out a program that will continue all year, without a summer break. The U of M will test it out with only two programs, and go from there. According to student surveys about 50 percent say they would be in favor of the year-round classes in order to graduate sooner. It is being said that it is a win-win on both sides. It will make use of space, as well as keep staffing, and work with students who want to work at a faster pace. In the end, it will save students students money. Students say that having year round classes could help having to regain information that was once retained during school breaks. 
       In my opinion, I think that having year round classes is a great idea. I think that if both the school and the student can pull it off and benefit from it then year-round classes should be offered. I can understand  and agree that having a break in between semesters can be tough to get "resettled" and "reorganized" and can have an effect of ones grades. Even though having a break from school is needed at times, having the option to get it done would also be beneficial. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog 3

Emily Beltz 
Introduction to Academic Writing 0099 99

Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costshttp://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2013/02/06/postal-service-to-cut-saturday-mail-to-trim-costs/

       I read the article "Postal Service To Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs" by Esme Murphy from WCCO News. The article states that the U.S. Postal Service, will stop delivering mail to homes and businesses on Saturdays. While post office boxes will continue to get mail Monday through Saturday and package deliveries will continue on Monday through Saturday. This goes for United States Postal Service throughout the nation. This article states that it will go into effect starting in August. United States Postal Service is giving notice 6 months in advance to give residential and businesses time in advance to make adjustments to satisfy their needs. The reason for this "switch" is in hopes at saving more then 2 billion dollars annually. 

       In my opinion, I think that this is a good idea. It helps tax payers as well as the Post Office save money, and will help out employees for their retirement fund. As stated in the article, mail has decreased from online services like e-mail. I would be for the idea of mail stopping on Saturday. It states in the article that 7 out of 10 people are for the idea of mail stopping on Saturdays. In that case, most people don't mind not having mail delivered to them on Saturday. This is one good way for the government to help save money. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog 2

         In the article, “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar.  Here’s Why.” Written by Kyle Wiens I was quite a bit shocked when reading the article. I understand that it is important to have proper grammar skills, especially in the work place. However, I was shocked by the fact that the employer was so focused on whether or not the employee had literally perfect writing skills versus someone who was just a "good fit". This is surprising to me. I was also surprised by the fact that the employer gave out mandatory grammar tests. I have never heard of this and I think it is going a bit to far. 
         If I was an employer, I would focus more on whether or not the person would be a good fit for the company. Although I think it is important to know the differences between "to, too, two" and "there, their, and they're," depending the job I would not consider this to be a high priority based off of hiring someone into a company. I think having a good, hard working employee, who fits the job description is more important than someone who has perfect writing skills. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hello everyone!

       My name is Emily. I was born and raised in Saint Paul, MN and currently still live in the area. I am a mother of a soon to be 5 year old. I am recently engaged to my fiance of 8 years, and we just adopted our first dog, Zena. With family, work, school, a house, and a dog I stay busy.
       In my spare time, I like to to take small trips whenever possible. Last summer, I spent 4 days in Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock, and Duluth! The summer before that, I spent a week in San Diego, California. I also like to just get away for the weekend and head for the cabin! Growing up, my family was big on camping, riding snowmobiles, and four wheelers. So when I get the chance I like to ride around on the four wheeler or the mini dirt bike!
       In my future, I plan to graduate from Inver Hills Community College with my Associates Degree in Criminal Justice and eventually work my way towards a Bachelors Degree. Eventually I would like to become a Juvenile Probation Officer.
       I currently work as FedEx as a Courier and International Specialist Agent. It is a tough job, especially with the cold Minnesota winters, and the hot humid summers!
       Good luck to everyone this semester!
                                                                Emily B.