Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog 2

         In the article, “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar.  Here’s Why.” Written by Kyle Wiens I was quite a bit shocked when reading the article. I understand that it is important to have proper grammar skills, especially in the work place. However, I was shocked by the fact that the employer was so focused on whether or not the employee had literally perfect writing skills versus someone who was just a "good fit". This is surprising to me. I was also surprised by the fact that the employer gave out mandatory grammar tests. I have never heard of this and I think it is going a bit to far. 
         If I was an employer, I would focus more on whether or not the person would be a good fit for the company. Although I think it is important to know the differences between "to, too, two" and "there, their, and they're," depending the job I would not consider this to be a high priority based off of hiring someone into a company. I think having a good, hard working employee, who fits the job description is more important than someone who has perfect writing skills. 


  1. I found the article "I won't hire people who use poor grammar" Here's why, very interesting. I think it's very important for an employer to be concerned about whether or not the potential employees had good grammar skill. My place of employment not only has a grammar/writing test but they also require completion of a life test that consists of 250 questions. The results of the test get evaluated and scored to help determine employment possibilities. I also think the main thing like you said is that the person be a good fit for the company.If the person isn't a good fit then hiring them is a waste of time. I think combining all of these aspects together would make a person a perfect candidate. I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to reading more of them in the future.

  2. I thought as well it was a bit ridiculous. If I were to have a grammer test done mandatory at work I would feel ashamed that they do not trust me or I did something wrong. I think that is poor judgement. It is like saying you judge a book by it's cover. Someone can be an excellent worker that has nothing to do with grammer. I think that this is a very un needed priority if I was to pull grammer test on people. It is also like personality test, I do not care for them as well.

  3. Our posts are almost identical. After reading the title I was shocked but after I read the article I understood somewhat where she came from. I realize how attention to detail and proper grammar and punctuation can relate, but I do not see how in that position it would make a difference. I believe where it states in the application “We do not discriminate” Is false, and if the supervisor/employer does not like something about you in this case punctuation they will not accept you as an employee. Great post, good working with you, and I hope to hear from you in the near future!
