Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blog 3

Emily Beltz 
Introduction to Academic Writing 0099 99

Postal Service to Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs

       I read the article "Postal Service To Cut Saturday Mail to Trim Costs" by Esme Murphy from WCCO News. The article states that the U.S. Postal Service, will stop delivering mail to homes and businesses on Saturdays. While post office boxes will continue to get mail Monday through Saturday and package deliveries will continue on Monday through Saturday. This goes for United States Postal Service throughout the nation. This article states that it will go into effect starting in August. United States Postal Service is giving notice 6 months in advance to give residential and businesses time in advance to make adjustments to satisfy their needs. The reason for this "switch" is in hopes at saving more then 2 billion dollars annually. 

       In my opinion, I think that this is a good idea. It helps tax payers as well as the Post Office save money, and will help out employees for their retirement fund. As stated in the article, mail has decreased from online services like e-mail. I would be for the idea of mail stopping on Saturday. It states in the article that 7 out of 10 people are for the idea of mail stopping on Saturdays. In that case, most people don't mind not having mail delivered to them on Saturday. This is one good way for the government to help save money. 


  1. Great post! I saw that they were stopping Saturday mail on the news and missed that it starts in august, so this was a good reading for me. I like most people are 50/50 for Saturday mail being canceled. I do realize that our country is trillions of dollars in debt and to save two billion dollars a year is a big start, but on the other hand there will be a lot of big adjustments that will need to be made. Example: Before I had direct deposit I was mailed out a check on Friday and got it Saturday. When you are living on a budget “pay check to paycheck” this is not the greatest news. Saving our country money is a good start at getting out of debt, so I guess I am for it. Great post, like the topic, hope to hear from you in the future.

  2. I also heard about the mail on the news not being delivered on Saturdays, I think that it will be good to save the money for the government. I'm sure some people wont mind, but am sure some people will also find it as a problem when they are waiting for an important piece of mail. On the other hand, for me I will be happy about it since most my mail is bills anyway. It will definitely be a step in the right direction to cut down the dept. Great article
