I read an article titled, "Sex-Ed Amendment Struck from ND Abortion Bill, from CBS News. This article is about North Dakota lawmakers who are negotiating the final details of an anti-abortion measure that "killed"an amendment that threatened a three-year, $1.2 million federal sex education grant for North Dakota State University. A committee of six voted with the bill to delete the amendment. The bills aims to outlaw abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the dispute that a fetus can feel main at 20 weeks. The issue is the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court rule that legalized abortion up until 24 weeks.
The grant that North Dakota State University had been funded for voluntary sex education for those between ages 15-19 with parental consent. The grant was frozen after some questioned whether it would violate a state law that forbids government funding to those that encourage abortion.
I feel that this is a big issue. My opinion on abortion is that it is a womans' choice. I feel that in some situations such as rape then abortion should be legal. Otherwise I feel that women should step up and face the consequences of there actions. I do not see abortion as an easy way out, and I am not for it, nor am I against it.
I believe that sex education is very important. It can help make teens understand and use precaution when in situations such as these. If the amendment were to take away the grant to fund sex education I think it would be a big mistake. I think sex education is important for everyone to learn from. I will say that I am with the bill where abortions after 20 weeks should be outlawed. In my opinion I feel that 20 weeks is to long, and has developed a great amount.
I realize that this is a very touchy subject to talk about, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
Yes, you are right, this is a very controversial subject. I believe it is a woman's right to be able to choose what is done with her body, however, some women do abuse the option and use it as a form of birth control, which is wrong. I also think that 20 weeks is WAY too late to be able to abort. I think that it should only be allowed up to 10 weeks because most women don't even know they are pregnant until around 6 weeks of pregnancy and this way it gives a couple weeks to make such a big decision. Also, I feel 20 weeks is too long because you can find out what the sex is at that point and at that point it is real and has formed its' being.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I could go on and on about this subject but I have got to go! Great job on choosing your article for the week! It's a great topic and I am actually surprised that no one has commented back besides me! Have a great weekend!