I read an article by Christopher Bacorn called, "Dear Dads: Save Your Sons". This article starts off about a mother who takes her son into therapy, in hopes that something will get through to her son. Her son was heading towards alcohol, gang memberships, failing grades and violence. His mother had no other options and realized that he may be because his father left, and was not there for his son. She felt that with no male role model in the boys life that it had taken effect on him. It had come to the mothers attention that men are not really there for there kids. There else where, while only very few are spotted with there children.
One other main issue that was covered in this article was poverty prevention. It was said that if more fathers were around, it may help save families from living in poverty. In that case, there may be fewer teenage pregnancies as well as less interest in street gangs. At the end of the article, the counselor tried to get the woman's son into sports, but the boy was not interested. The counselor felt that if the boy could have a male figure in his life it could give him hope. Unfortunately the boy was not interested.
In my opinion, I think that this article makes a lot of sense and has valid points. I can see and understand why people feel that having a father in a child's life can make the biggest difference. As well as a father not being in a child's life. I think that dads have such an effect on a child's life that at that point in a child's life they do not understand the importance of a father figure.
I agree that dads should be there to talk to their daughters about pregnancy. As well as keep there children busy with school, sports, and family time. Having a father figure is very important and it's unfortunate that a lot of children today do not have a father figure in there life.
I believe that a child should have a father in their lives to make a difference. I think children would do better in school and other things. I think that they would want to get involved in more sports if they had both parents in their life. When children have support they want to show off the different things they could do. Parents should think about having a child before they give birth to a child. I think that a father play a big role in a child life and guide them in a right direction.