I read an article called, "Giving Blood Not Just For Humans, Pets Do It, Too" by Rachel Slavik - CBS News. This article is about dogs and cats who donate blood for other animals during an emergency or surgery. Donating blood to the vet clinic's donation program, can save the lives of many animals. Animals can donate blood through the University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinic. Dogs who are 50 pounds and cats who are 10 pounds can donate blood. During the blood draw, technicians are replacing the fluids, helping with a quick recovery.
I think that having dogs and cats donate blood is a fantastic idea. In my opinion if it does not cause harm or pain to the animals , then I do not see a problem with it. If other animals in need can benefit from animal blood donation then I think that it is important to have the University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinic have this available.
I followed up on this article, on the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center website and I found that there are other benefits for those who join the pet blood donation program. The website gives information on why animals need blood. Along with what happens when a dog or cat donates. There is additional information on guidelines for dogs and cats, as well as information on benefits of having a blood donor pet.